My name is Hailey and I have been raising Guide Dog puppies for almost two years. I am 11 and in the seventh grade. My first puppy is named Darice and she was chosen to be a breeder. She had her first litter on September 6, Labor Day! She had six black labs, two girls and four boys. She was bred to Jenkins and it is an "S" litter. My current puppy is Atlanta, a 10 month old female black lab.
Atlanta is such a silly goose! She loves to do summer-saults into my lap and insists on carrying at least two bones in her mouth at one time.
Here is a picture of her when she was little. She loves to cuddle and make herself comfortable!
This video I think protrays Atlanta's curiosity about everything.
This is me and my first puppy, Darice, at her graduation.
Hailey (and mom!) you did a good job with Darice, Saxon is a really sweet puppy. I would love to see more pictures and hear more about Darice and Skyla too! My email address is jonesaz83 at gmail dot com. Take care!